Deadline Extended: Input Requested for Piper Redux, a Revision of the Fish Hatchery Management Book

March 23, 2022
March 23, 2022 USTFA

Deadline Extended: Input Requested for Piper Redux, a Revision of the Fish Hatchery Management Book

Input is requested for the establishment of a Steering Committee to guide Piper Redux, a project funded by the Multistate Conservation Grant Program to modernize Fish Hatchery Management for current and future generations of fish culturists.

THE BACKGROUND: Fish Hatchery Management (1st edition – FHM-I), also known as the ‘Piper Manual’, ‘Black Book’, or simply the fish culturist’s bible, is an invaluable resource that provides practical, ‘how-to’ guidance related to fish culture and hatchery operation. FHM-I captured what was known about the art and science of fish culture and—using look-up tables, real-world examples, and an approachable style—distilled it into actionable information for the practicing fish culturist. A second edition—FHM-II—was published in 2002, but lost some of the practicality that made FHM-I so valued and widely used among fish culturists.

THE PROJECT: Piper Redux is the working title for a 3rd edition that modernizes FHM-I for new generations of fish culturists.  “Redux” means to revive, bring back, and present in a new way. This is precisely what Piper Redux intends to do—to recapture the practical tone and everyday insight of FHM-I, infuse it with contemporary knowledge, and make this fundamental information readily accessible to all fish culturists.

THE STEERING COMMITTEE (SC): The fish culture community is diverse in terms of the species raised, the methods used, and the purpose for which the cultured fish are ultimately intended. To ensure Piper Redux meets the needs of this broad constituency, a SC representing state and federal agencies, indigenous peoples, and private stakeholders will be appointed. Working under the oversight of the Editor and other members of the Project Management Team, the SC will identify needed revisions and subject matter experts and oversee the process of creating Piper Redux. The SC will be comprised as follows:

  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (2 seats)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1 seat)
  • US Department of Agriculture (1 seat)
  • Indigenous Peoples (e.g., tribes, first nations, aboriginal peoples) (2 seats)
  • State Agencies (2 seats)
  • Private Aquaculture Industry (2 seats)
  • Instructors of Coldwater Fish Culture Course (1 seat)

THE ASK: Aquaculture organizations are asked to nominate individuals for consideration as members of the SC. Specifically, nominees are requested to represent the private aquaculture industry and their respective interests in fish culture in the Piper Redux effort. Individuals with hands-on fish culture experience and knowledge of FHM-I are ideally suited to this role, but the most important criteria are that SC members appreciate the importance of Piper Redux as a source of practical ‘how-to’ information and be able to think broadly in serving the needs of the fish culture ‘constituency’ they have been appointed to represent. You are encouraged to review the Contributor Expectations document that provides some additional context for the Piper Redux project. It is recognized that the interests of the aquaculture industry are not homogeneous, and that this distribution list is almost certainly incomplete. Please feel free to forward this request for nominations to those who may not have received it directly.

To submit a nomination, please send the nominee’s name, affiliation, contact information, the seat for which they should be considered (i.e., private industry), and a brief biosketch or statement of their qualifications to with “SC Nomination” in the subject line. Sooner is better, but please submit your appointments no later than April 5th, 2022. 

Nominees will be evaluated by the Piper Redux Project Management Team. SC members will be selected based on their relevant skillsets and in the interest of creating a productive, inclusive SC that is balanced with respect to subject matter expertise, geography, and so forth.

Piper Redux has been granted 12 months of support through the Multistate Conservation Grant Program, but it is anticipated that the project may extend to an 18- or 24-month timeframe. SC members will be expected to participate in virtual meetings held quarterly (or as needed) throughout the duration of the project. Action items arising between these meetings will be handled by email or similar means. Originally, it was intended that the SC members meet in person at least once, and resources are in place to help defray the associated travel costs. Although it is anticipated that such an event can take place, plans for an in-person meeting are currently on hold due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. SC members will not be compensated for their service, but they and their organization’s contributions will be appropriately acknowledged in the final publication.