Courtesy of NAA:
The National Aquaculture Association (NAA) joined a coalition of live animal import and interstate trade organizations to monitor COMPETES Act Section 71102, Lacey Act Amendments, formed to alert and inform members, farms and businesses that produce, trade, sell and grow-out.
Leading organization in this effort are the US Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) and Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC). They recently updated their postings, which are well worth a read:
- Click here for USARK Q&A’s which are excellent.
- Click here for an excellent article posted by the National Animal Interest Alliance.
- Click here for the PIJAC “The Facts About the Lacey Act Amendments in the COMPETES Act 2022.”
- Click here for a position statement by the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America.
Currently, the House and Senate have not formed a conference committee to resolve the differences between companion legislation to develop a bill acceptable to both chambers. During this waiting period, the NAA recommends contacting your Representative and Senators by introducing yourself, your farm, the benefits to the nation associated with growing and selling farmed aquatic animals and why you are requesting that they oppose Section 71102. Remember to invite them to visit your farm to share your great story.