March 27, 2023 USTFA

APHIS RAEF Update for Aquaculture Industry

Courtesy of NAA:

The US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is updating their Registered Aquaculture Export Facility (RAEF) inspection program. In advance of the rollout in Summer 2023, APHIS is hosting an informational webinar for all RAEF facilities, their Accredited Veterinarians, and other aquaculture stakeholders on April 6, 2023 from 2-3pm EDT. Please join this webinar to hear about the proposed updates including new inspection documents and processes to better streamline the RAEF approval process.  To join the call:

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Following this call, APHIS will be accepting feedback from all stakeholders through April 17, 2023; after which APHIS will then finalize the RAEF updates, and provide more information/training to all internal and external stakeholders closer to the rollout date.

This call is open to all aquaculture stakeholders, so please feel free to share with your team members/colleagues.

For additional information and/or to submit your comments after the webinar, contact Dr. Alicia Marston, Director of Aquatic Trade, Aquatic Animal & Product Import/Export, USDA APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) Strategy & Policy at 240-427-7879 (cell) or

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