Courtesy of NAA:
The USDA APHIS Veterinary Services Aquaculture Health Team invites farmers to a webinar on April 25, 2023 at 2pm EDT to share information on and discuss a proposed economic analysis of US farmed Atlantic salmon, rainbow and steelhead trout production. This project will be led by Drs. Carole Engle and Jonathan van Senten from Virginia Tech and Dr. Ganesh Karunakaran from Mississippi State.
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Background Information
The purpose of this webinar, with the U.S. salmonid farming community, is to discuss and receive feedback on issues and topics related to these initiatives.
In 2022, USDA APHIS VS Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health (CEAH) initiated an assessment of risks associated with imports of live salmonid fish, eggs, and gametes relative to six (i.e., ISAV, EHNV, IHNV, SAV, VHSV, Gs) pathogens of concern to Atlantic salmon, rainbow and steelhead trout aquaculture. To further inform this assessment, CEAH is supporting an economic analysis which summarizes the local, regional, national, and international economic value of these salmonid industry sectors, and informs the Consequences and Overall Risk Determination sections of the assessment.
Specific to this economic analysis, evaluation may include the historical, current, and projected status of the Atlantic salmon, rainbow and steelhead trout industries; connectivity of the industry sectors; and the immediate and long-term impact of import/export restrictions in the event of a disease introduction or outbreak on industry operations, growth, market access, and public trust.