Courtesy of NAA:
On Dec. 18, USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service mailed the Census of Aquaculture to almost 4,000 producers across the U. S. that reported any amount of aquaculture activity during the 2022 Census of Agriculture. The original submission deadline of January 15th has been extended! Producers who received the questionnaire still have time, to complete the survey. Please respond by March 1.
Please support and strengthen U.S. aquaculture by participating in this important Census!
By filling out your Census form, you provide the most accurate information possible. The NAA has been diligent in bringing a variety of concerns to Washington DC but in order for Congress or the federal agencies to take significant action or to demonstrate that these needed changes are real, the NAA and you have to have the numbers.
Why is the Census of Aquaculture Important?
Last conducted for production year 2018, the Census of Aquaculture will yield current industry-specific data. This information is used by federal, state, and local governments, agribusinesses, trade associations, and producers to make decisions impacting the sustainability and growth of the U.S. aquaculture. The data is also used to support and justify federal and state research, education, extension, aquatic animal health programs and opportunities for farmer participation in demonstration projects and efforts to reform regulations.
Did you know that the Census provides a means for each House of Representative member to find out instantly how big agriculture and aquaculture is in his or her district? It is, please click here to see your local data: USDA – NASS, Census of Agriculture – 2017 Census Publications – Congressional District Profiles.
Participation in the Census will help show the Congress, state and local governments and federal and state agencies that aquaculture is a growing, diverse and vibrant economic force producing great farm-raised seafood (fish, clams, oysters, mussels, shrimp, and seaweed), bait, freshwater and marine aquarium fish, corals, or invertebrates, recreational fish for private and public stocking, and other products like exotic alligator leather, live turtles as pets, or triploid grass carp to control nuisance aquatic plants. In order for U.S. aquaculture to gain traction at the federal or state levels, legislators and federal and state agencies representatives need to understand the scope and breadth of U.S. aquaculture. And the jobs and income created and sustained by rural, urban, and coastal farms.