Ron Johnson has ridden a whale, been accepted into an indigenous tribe in a Pacific Island nation and curated exhibits for major zoos. He’s been a bird breeder, researcher and author, radio broadcaster, chef, innkeeper, philanthropist and more.
These days, the 75-year-old “Indiana Jones” and his wife, Cindy, live in her ancestral home in Antis Township, where Johnson writes short stories drawing on his wildlife field experiences, his midwestern upbringing and love of the outdoors.
He also contributes his expertise to The Pennwriters Inkwell, a local writer’s group, and enjoys helping the community any way he can.
Sharing with others and storytelling comes as naturally as breathing for Johnson, who grew up in the Midwest. He and Cindy, his wife of 43 years, moved to Altoona in 2004 and again in 2014…