If you have already renewed your membership for 2025, please disregard this message.
Click Here to Join or Renew Your Membership
USTFA Members,
I would like to personally thank you for your support for the United States Trout Farmers Association (USTFA), which has represented members like you since 1954. Memberships are the lifeblood of our association. With the support of our members, we champion farmers like you and the entire trout farming industry. I hope that you continue to support USTFA by renewing your membership this year.
Below is a brief list of some of our recent efforts:
- Worked with the National Aquaculture Association (NAA)to give trout farmers a voice at the national level and continually promote the growth of US aquaculture.
- Engaged on behalf of trout farmers in important debates and decision-making related to regulation of live markets, access to therapeutants and other medications, pathogen testing requirements for fish movements, and the continued relevance of extension services.
- Kept members informed of relevant goings-on via Trout Talk and USTFA member updates.
- Helped maintain a strong trout presence at Aquaculture America by hosting the annual USTFATrout Forum.
- Continued to promote U.S. farm-raised trout consumption and recreational fishing opportunities throughout the nation.
- Hosted yet another fun, informative, and all around wonderful USTFA fall conference in Corning, California. Thank you to all who attended!
We have begun organizing the 2025 USTFA fall conference and tour of Hudson Valley Fish Farm, which will be held at the Hunter Mountain Resort in New York, September 16 – 18, 2025. Mark your calendars!
Membership has numerous benefits, but those who actively engage in the Association reap the most valuable rewards. Make 2025 the year you step up and lean in! Take full advantage of the networking, camaraderie, and know-how that comes with USTFA membership.
We hope that you will renew your membership with USTFA for another year. You can do so by submitting your dues via the invoice sent previously or via our website. (If you have already submitted your membership dues, please disregard this notice. If any information has changed, please submit an updated application at ustfa.org/join.)
If you have any questions or concerns, our Administrator, Michael Lee can be reached at ustroutfarmersassociation@gmail.com and will be happy to assist you with all USTFA matters.
Again, we truly appreciate your support for USTFA. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the year ahead.
Thank you,
Jesse Trushenski, President